10 Lessons I Learned Over 7 Years That You Can Learn In 30 minutes

10 Lessons I Learned Over 7 Years That You Can Learn In 30 minutes

Lesson One – Asking For Money

I remember my first client was €80 for a consultation, I nearly cringed as I said “That’s €80 is that ok..???” My understanding of earning money was completely upside down, it was like they were doing me a favour by paying me, instead of understanding they paid for a service provided by me. I also spent not just the time with them but also hours outside of the consultation doing notes and prepping for the next consultation. This soon created lesson two!


Lesson Two – Create A Package

All of these working hours outside of the paid consultation, soon made me realise between rent, childcare and man hours I was working minimum wage. There had to be a better way. So I created packages that people could sign up to work with me. This helped me design a system of working with people that I could duplicate and reduce my time.


Lesson Three – Too Many Customers

I then had the problem of too many customers, not enough time to manage the admin of the business and I was also wrecked!! I knew again there had to be another way to manage this problem. That is when I learned it was ok to increase my prices by creating specialised packages that people really wanted. This meant less customers, but customers who were more committed and wanted results, customers who were a pleasure to work with because they wanted to succeed. This gave me more free time and also gave me clarity as my business was beginning to take shape as to the direction I was going.


Lesson Four – I wanted to expand my business without compromising my family.

This lesson was a slow burner that started in 2012 when I created my first online program to share my expertise with people and help them solve a problem. It was incredible to help people I never met face to face but yet felt I was supporting them in an incredible close community of like minded people who wanted to change, solve a problem. Over the years I worked on online programs memberships, academy’s, masterminds, VIP programs, email programs, 1 day online programs and began to build up an online business. This was my vision to have an online business that allowed me to be a parent also. One day while sitting out in the sun, my kids playing at the sandbox and I was sitting in the nest swing, I realised I have done it. There was no drum roll, there was just the warm breeze and the glistening sun, letting me know in a Wednesday afternoon I was present with my kids after school. I was working my hours online with global online clients and earning an income. I smiled quietly and watched my kids play.


Lesson Five – Always work with a mentor

Creating your own online business takes many things initially Clarity, Clarity can take years if you do not work with a Mentor & Coach. Believe me I know, I hopped between mentors and coaches and now looking back in hindsight I will never work without a mentor again. Working with a mentor helps you be in a space of believe, a space of high vibe energy and a place where they believe in you even if at times you do not believe in yourself. We all face these moments, no matter how many years of experience we have. I have been mentoring and coaching clients for years now, I can see a person’s genius from a mile off even if they cannot and I can also see their blind spots even though they may not realise they have them. That is why everyone needs a mentor as no one can see their own blindspots!


Lesson Six – Treat Your Business Like A Job

This is the biggest lesson I have learned. We go into creating a business out of a passion, a believe we can create something incredible, amazing, or this aspiring dream or vision we hold in our minds eye. Unfortunately the hard fact of it is that dreams take time and hours to construct, no matter how amazing your dream is. It takes turning up everyday, putting in the hours, even when you have got your clarity, you then need to implement your dream and share it with the world. So this lesson is about getting organised, making weekly and daily lists and turning up to your desk to work. Your dream will not build itself!


Lesson Seven – Your energy is connected with your success, master it. 

For years I killed myself, working harder thinking this would bring me even bigger results. This was the biggest lesson and one that took the longest too learn. A body that is tired, exhausted and burnt out cannot be creative, vibrant and ready to build a dream business. You, your body and your mind must be healthy to build your dream business. If you visualise the energy of the your dream business, then you too must encapsulate this energy vibration, you must become your dream business. What the heck does this mean, Martha? Well, you have to eat well, sleep, exercise but mentally be fit also, meditate and be in a high-vibe state ready to escalate your business all the way to the top. Honestly, I am just beginning to do this. I wish I did it years ago. I wish I had learned this lesson I long time ago but that is the pleasure of a lesson it must be learned. So please take my advice and just implement this lesson instead of learning it too 🙂


Lesson Eight – Believe You Can Do It

In all of the my years working for myself, it was often like driving a hilly road, there were ups and downs but seeing glimpses of the view helped me to keep going. I could see other people had made it, I had an the internal whisper always eternally telling me I can do it, sometimes louder some days than others. Not everyone will believe in what you are doing. And there will be days when you doubt yourself. This is when you get your biggest strength from somewhere. You dig deep and keep going. This can be a long road. My advice here is believe more in yourself NOW do not wait. And how can you believe in yourself? Read your testimonials, look at how far you have come, keep an eye on your big vision, be super clear on who you are, what you do and how you help people – practice this daily. 


Lesson Nine – There is a path straight to your success, work the path not the detours!

Many years ago I had so many lessons on how to get to where I wanted to go, but the big problem was I really didn’t think it was that simple. Create an online sales funnel. Honesty, that easy. Create an online sales Funnel. But it was all the lessons of Clarity and mindset and that got in the way of JUST IMPLEMENTING The Online Sales Funnel!! I kept taking detours!!  If I had my time back the first thing I would have done is create my Online Sales Funnel!!


Lesson Ten – Systems, Systems, Systems

To go big, to reach the goals you know you REALLY want and the ones I wanted. I knew I needed to get organised, stop playing, invest in myself, fully believe and go for it and then implement the systems to bring it all together. Create my online programs to leverage my income, create my online systems to work for me while I grow my business and help more people around the world achieve the same for their lives. I needed to trust myself and keep going. Once I got over my crap and down to work, guess what things happened! I got results I finally wanted!

Phew wow I just summarised 7 years of learning, I hope you can take these lessons and learn from them, to make your dream and vision for your business get to the results you want.  



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